When U are done...
Ne ni, jag är redo att lämna Manhattan MEN inte redo att säga Hej Karlskoga.
Om man bara hade mer cash, då skulle jag vara långt från här inom 2min.
Över 1.80 - njaaa. Men en 84:a är han allt minsann ;P
Och försten, - Lussebullar är det bästa :)!
Årsmodell 1984, 1.80lång, kan stå lite på tå så e ja 1.83 för dig Alexzandra ;)
Sweetie, Max Fish is dead on Mondays. You should have come with me to Bijouix as planned. I'm sure Max Fish was Ingrid's idea. She likes that rock n roll vibe. I like it too sometimes. I told Barbie to tell you to go to Beatrice on Sunday. That was a cool rock and roll place and blows Max Fish away. You two would have definitely gotten in. You dont need me nor Barbie for those places.
Manhattan. It's not better or worse than any other big global city as much as I am bored with it.
Relatively speaking, people who have been all around the world, consistently love NY. There's no other city except perhaps Paris or London that has so many people from around the world. So diverse. Such variety. And variety is the spice of life.
Julia: Du ser :)) Lussebullar ar gott, men jag har inte stallt in mig pa allt julijul annu. Kommer val nar jag anlander till Sverige antar jag.
Martin: Hhaa, det sager du! How cute :)
Fred: Dead - not actually but very boring/strange people. We wasn't after a party night. Just wanna hangout for some bars, talking and chill. But it was a early night ;-( I missed u'r call, when i saw it i was allready in the bed. But we were not dressed up or something like that anyways. I hope u had a great time :)) I guess barbie forgott telling me about beatrice but i was SO tierd so. Not missunderstand me i love NY as a city, but the partylife wasn't as last time, that's nothing more to say. Paris and London is nothing when it comes to good partys douh.